Thursday, April 22, 2010
Recently, I got an opportunity to travel for 2 continuous days, halting at several places in between. I find it very inspiring. These are some lines I scribbled during this period.
Not surprising that most of the songs, poems or stories are written while traveling.
There comes Joey, Hey Joey! Wherez your bass?
Says Joey: 'Its next to Fredie', he means Fredie's case.
We've packed our van with food and cans,
We're leaving for a tour to NeverLand!!
Oh NeverLand, Where IS that place?
I say its in our Hearts...
5 lunatics with musical-minds and a van full of gas.....
When we stopped by the Reverb-Inn, to play for our heart's Joy,
Charlie sang each note a pitch high and Joey didn't tune his bass...
Eddie thew his stick at the crowd and Fredie lost a few beats...
We play at our terms in NeverLand,
A sacred place it is..
No manager or crowd to please,
And thats the way it is..
Freddy shared a song he wrote,
I asked him, 'Hows this lead ?',
'Just play it with your heart man,
You're the best!' he said to me..
Soon others joined in the group and notes began 2 flow
More instruments and notes poured in as we began to grow
Our van stops only where we want,
Where we want to play our thing,
Where Charlie can sing the way he wants
And where Eddie can Just slam his toms,
Our amplifiers blare out 2 loud,
As we play to our hearts for long..
We play at our terms in NeverLand,
A sacred place it is..
No manager or crowd to please,
And thats the way it is..
If you are passionate about music, you will be able to understand the real essence of this.
May you arrive at your NeverLand :) (irony not intended)