Ad Infinitum

A never ending carnival of thoughts


Friday, April 13, 2012

This one was written during a lecture. I am most productive during classes, somehow I get all sorts of ideas while a lecture is going on so what I do is I open the back of my register and scribble whatever crosses my mind.

Rushing reflections in the mirror,
A mirage in the barren land,
Droopy eyes searching for comfort
A hope fueling thirst to be quenched..

The clouds pass again,
The cracks seething out loud,
New buds about to char to oblivion,
Alive in the midst of a mirage.

A large screen on the lone wall,
Playing the same movie for the 100th time now,
The walls watch, remember, by-heart it and bow.
Its their history, in reverance they stand tall.

The same dream recurring quite often,
some question the relevance it has
To relive the bliss of the fairyland
Or to lock oneself in that time-warp

Events stringed by the human mind
A bait or a lever from the Master-Mind
Recurrences, Reiterations and Questions
And it all boils down to 'Why' ?!


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